What Does An Interior Designer Do
I want to take a quick break from our top 10 trend list to answer a question that came up in a recent conversation – what do Interior Designers really do? Most people can answer with some version of “pick colors, and fabrics and furniture...” and while that is a small piece of the puzzle – what we really do is help you maximize the beauty, functionality and investment in your space.
With all the access to online photos – Pinterest, Houzz, etc you may wonder why you can’t just copy a picture that you find in your own home and off you go. Why would you need to hire an Interior Designer to do that?
Easy answer is –
Your space and needs are different from the photo you are looking at.
So how do we maximize the beauty and functionality of your space? Each job is different – much like each client is different and each home is different. Below are the top 5 considerations we reference to create a beautiful and functional interior. Rather than telling you what we do (meaning outline the process – although maybe that will be a future post), this list focuses on the expertise we give to every project.
The top 5 things this Interior Designer does for you are as follows:
1. We define the needs you have for your space
How do we do that? We listen. Asking a series of questions to gives us a good idea of what you need from the space. Here’s just an example of the things we want to know – once we have the answers we can design with those objectives in mind.
Does your space work for you now? Will it adapt to future needs? How many people use it and how often?
What activities do you not have a space for now? Can we incorporate those requests into the space? (eg home office, entertaining, etc)
Does your room have enough seating? Is it comfortable? Is it bright enough to complete your tasks? You get the idea – what is your wish list for the space?
2. We make suggestions beyond what you ask for to improve the functionality of your space.
As Interior Designers we are constantly searching for new ideas and products to improve your living spaces. We pride ourselves on knowing product and design trends to give you options you may not know are out there.
3. We balance your design style, your home’s style, and what is happening in design.
We define the look you want with what your home is asking for. You can have the most beautiful room but if it doesn’t flow with the rest of the home or the architecture it can’t help but not “feel” right.
Those of you have have worked with me on a project have probably heard me say we are 2+ years behind the major design trends here in the Midwest. While I’d love to say we are the trendsetters – it’s actually helpful to us as Interior Designers to watch what is taking hold in more progressive areas of the country knowing it will eventually make its way here. While the more important elements above are what you like and what your home is calling for, we are all influenced by what is new and exciting so knowing the design trends that lie ahead or how far into a cycle we are can help when making selections for long term.
4. We make sure it fits
Ok – we’ve all been in a space where the furniture is so close together you can’t move freely. It’s hard to shop in a store and know that what you’re buying will not only fit but look like it fits. What do I mean? Well there are 2 sizes to everything – the physical dimensions and the visual weight. Items can be have the exact same dimensions (see the chairs below) but they vary significantly in how big they look. They can also be the exact same dimensions but one can give a deeper seat, more firm cushion, etc. Get it? We make sure that all the pieces come together in a balanced composition.
Younger Furniture
Mitchell Gold and Bob Williams
(Both chairs above are 29" W x 33" D x 32" H)
5. We save you money and time
I saved this one for last figuring you wonder how paying an Interior Designer will save you money, but we really do save you money and time. The list is long but for now, I’ll give you my top 3 ways we save you money.
a. We prevent mistakes
By knowing style, space and color, we make sure that with each purchase you make your space will all come together. It’s as expensive to buy the right piece as it is to buy the wrong one. We help you make the right decisions AND be physically comfortable.
b. We help manage the budget
Most consumers only replace furnishings or renovate space in their homes when a need arises, it wears out, or something special is happening in their lives. Because big home updates are usually spaced apart – the average consumer may not be aware of what a project like this will cost. As luxury Interior designers, we are involved with the costs of projects and products every day. We help you set realistic expectations for the overall budget and help guide you to look at the right products to meet that budget.
c. We have access to unique resources
As I mentioned above, the beauty and functionality of your space are our primary objectives. We know where to find it. We have access to all kinds of price levels, quality levels, skilled tradesmen, custom options etc. We can design for the functionality of the space and then find it for you keeping in mind the overall budget we’re working with. Anyone who has shopped retail for furniture knows how time consuming it can be and you can still come up empty.
Notice that I didn’t include picking colors and fabric in the top 5. Why? Well because everyone already knows that we can help you pick your colors and fabrics. What I wanted you to know is how much more an Interior Designer does for your project.
We maximize the beauty and functionality of your space.
So now that you know what an Interior Designer is working toward on your project – Let us help you create a space that you love.
Happy Spring!
New Perspective Design offers a variety of interior design services.
Contact us via the website form www.newperspectivedesign.com or call 224-678-9040 for more information.